Eucalyptus honey

SKU: PSDS22009

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Taste a rare honey. Eucalyptus honey from Morocco 100% organic and natural


The miraculous properties of Honey also extend directly to our diet and its effects on our body. Indeed, this natural substitute has a stronger sweetening power and remains better for our health.
Eucalyptus honey has several therapeutic virtues, virtues inherited from its tree of origin. It is best known for being a pulmonary, intestinal and urinary antiseptic, disinfectant, febrifuge, antispasmodic, vermifuge, …

So many benefits that make eucalyptus honey often recommended to treat various health problems. Indeed, it helps to:

calm coughs
fight against infections of the respiratory system: bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma…
relieve certain gastric problems (gas, inflammation, indigestion, vomiting,